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Talk enables users access to HuggingFace Transformers in R through the R-package reticulate as an interface to Python, and the python packages torch and transformers. So it’s important to install both the talk-package and a python environment with the talk required python packages that the talk-package can use. The recommended way is to use talkrpp_install() to install a mini conda environment with talk required python packages, and talkrpp_initialize to initialize it.

Conda environment


# Install text required python packages in a conda environment (with defaults).

# Show available conda environments.

# Initialize the installed conda environment.
# save_profile = TRUE saves the settings so that you don't have to run talkrpp_initialize() after restarting R. 
text::talkrpp_initialize(save_profile = TRUE)

# Test so that the text package work.
wav_path <- system.file("extdata/",
                        package = "talk")

emb_test <- talk::talkEmbed(
  talk_filepaths = wav_path

Solving OMP errors and R/Rstudio crashes

Recently some text users (mainly on Mac), have experienced OMP errors - and that RStudio and R crashes. When this is happening we have found the following solutions for now:

Sys.setenv(OMP_NUM_THREADS = "1") #Limit the number of threads to prevent conflicts.

Sys.setenv(OMP_MAX_ACTIVE_LEVELS = "1") 

# Also might have to restart R

# If above does not work, you can also try this; although this solution might have some risks assocaited with it (for more information see
Sys.setenv(KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK = "TRUE") #Temporarily allows execution despite duplicate OpenMP libraries.

### This is how you can unset the settings

# This is how you can verify the settings

# Please let us know if you find any other solutions. 
